Are you looking for solutions to eliminate stubborn under-chin fat without liposuction or surgery? If so, you may want to consider Kybella, proudly offered by Deja Vu Med Spa. The minimally invasive treatment can help you achieve a more defined jawline with stunning permanent results. Be prepared to be amazed!

What Is Kybella and How Does It Work?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to target excess fat under the chin, also known as submental fat. It contains a naturally occurring substance called deoxycholic acid, which helps break down and absorb dietary fat. 

When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella targets and destroys fat cells, which are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body's lymphatic system. The result? A noticeable reduction in under chin fullness and an improvement in the jawline contours.

Who Is a Candidate for Kybella?

Kybella double chin treatment in Waddell is suitable for men and women over 18 with moderate to severe submental fat who want to improve the appearance of their chin profile without surgery. The best way to determine whether Kybella is right for you is to consult with our experienced providers. We will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the ideal solution to deliver the sculpted jawline contours you desire. 

What Can You Expect During Treatment?

Kybella treatments typically take 15 to 20 minutes to complete, making the minimally invasive procedure convenient for those with busy schedules. We typically start by applying a local anesthetic for your comfort and administer multiple injections using an ultra-fine needle to dramatically improve your chin contours. 

One of Kybella's most significant advantages is that it offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional methods of chin contouring, such as liposuction or surgery. That translates to no incisions, stitches, or downtime!

How Many Kybella Treatments Will You Require? 

The number of Kybella sessions may vary from person to person. However, most people require an average of 2-4 sessions spaced six weeks apart. The amount of product we inject will decrease for every subsequent treatment.

What Are the Expected Results?

It takes four to six weeks after Kybella treatment for results to gradually appear, as the body naturally eliminates your treated fat cells. You should enjoy the full effects of the treatment after about three months, with a noticeable reduction in submental fullness and improved chin and jawline contours. 

What makes Kybella unique is that treatment results are permanent. Once the fat cells in the area are destroyed, they are gone for good!

Kybella Near Me in Waddell, AZ

If you are looking for solutions to melt away your double chin, Kybella may be the perfect solution for you. Our experienced providers at Deja Vu Med Spa will tailor your treatments to deliver your desired results. We invite you to call us at 623-242-9910 to schedule your consultation or use our online form to request an appointment today!